About me:

Since 2018, I’ve been the In-House Photographer and Creative Producer at Nite Ize, where I have mostly focused on a packaging rebrand project for nearly 600 SKUs, which can be found in big box stores nationwide, including Home Depot, REI, Bass Pro Shops, and Walmart.

I started my career in residential architecture which led me to Washington, DC. In DC, I worked with Donald Lococo as an architect junior on projects featured in Architectural Digest, including this Tudor-style home and the residence of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

With a desire to pursue the performing arts, I moved home to Chicago where I performed theater, improv, and on-camera work for nearly a decade. Being in front of the camera naturally led me to move behind the camera. I was hired to produce all photo and video content for the Chicago start-up, Marbles: The Brain Store. Most notably, I produced two viral educational music videos, Tour the States and Tour the World, with a collective 64 million views on YouTube.

In 2016, I moved to Denver, Colorado, to be with my beautiful wife, Brittany.

My love for the performing arts and my skills as a producer continue to thrive in my narrative filmmaking. In 2023, I will release my first feature film after years of producing shorts.

Fun Facts:

I was a regular volunteer at the Exotic Feline Rescue Center in Center Point, Indiana, and was later a trained volunteer for the Primates Exhibit at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in DC. I still have a scar from one of the tigers at the EFRC.

I was a drummer in a rock band from ages 16 to 23. After our band broke up, I fell out of touch with my bandmates, only to find out years later that our bass player lives down the street from me here in Denver. Yes, we are talking about getting the band back together.